This page contains errata for the versions of the textbooks on this site, beginning with the 2nd edition.
Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving Using Scala
Page 128, problem 7. The formula for combinations has a factorial in the wrong place. It should be outside the parentheses as t!/(p!(t-p)!).
Page 228, project 8.6.
Object-Orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala
Page 66, the lambda expressions passed to the three calls to fold left on lines 11, 12, and 13 of the Bank implementation should use max instead of min.
Page 72, on line 26 of the Loan code, the conditional should have amount <= _balance as a payment equal to the balance is allowable.
Page 130 states that traits can't inherit from classes. This isn't true. A trait can inherit from a class, but then classes that inherit from that trait can not inherit from any other class. This makes the traits less flexible and could lead to problems when a future class tries to extend two traits that inherit from different classes.
Page 218-220, the push method in ArrayStack uses Array.copy instead of a for loop, but the footnote on page 220 is written as if a for loop had been used.
Page 223, Figure 7.3 - In the figure showing how Array-based queues work, "back" and "front" are reversed.