21 Multithreading and Concurrency

21.1 The Multicore Future

21.2 Basic Threads

    21.2.1 Problems with Threads Race Conditions Deadlock

    21.2.2 Synchronization

    21.2.3 Wait/Notify

    21.2.4 Other Thread Methods

21.3 Concurrency Library

    21.3.1 Executors and Executor Services

    21.3.2 Callable and Futures

    21.3.3 Parallel Data Structures Shared Barriers The Exchange Assembly Line Ticketed Passengers Other Threadsafe Types

    21.3.4 Atomic (java.util.concurrent.atomic)

    21.3.5 Locks (java.util.concurrent.locks)

21.4 Parallel Collections

21.5 Introduction to Scala Actors

21.6 Multithreaded Mandelbrot (Project Integration)

21.7 Multithreading in GUIs

21.8 Animated Bouncing Balls (Project Integration)