Object-Orientation, Abstract, and Data Structures Using Scala - 2nd Edition

This is the page for "Object-orientation, Abstraction, and Data Structures Using Scala" (Amazon). This book is intended to be a textbook for 2nd and 3rd semester college CS students. As the title implies, it covers the basics of object-orientation using Scala, with an emphasis on abstraction and general coverage of basic data structures.

Full Book Video Playlist

Table of Contents

1 Scala Language Basics (Video Playlist)

2 Basics of Object Orientation and Software Development (Video Playlist)

3 Details of Object-Orientation in Scala (Video Playlist)

4 Abstraction and Polymorphism (Video Playlist)

5 GUIs and Graphics (Video Playlist)

6 Other Collection Types (Video Playlist)

7 Stacks and Queues (Video Playlist)

8 Multithreading and Concurrency (Video Playlist)

9 Low-Level Multithreading and Java Libraries (Video Playlist)

10 Stream I/O and XML (Video Playlist)

11 Networking (Video Playlist)

12 Linked Lists (Video Playlist)

13 Priority Queues (Video Playlist)

14 Refactoring

15 Recursion

16 Trees

17 Regular Expressions and Context-Free Parsers

18 Binary Heaps

19 Direct Access Binary Files

20 Spatial Trees

21 Augmenting Trees

22 Hash Tables

PDF of Appendices

A Scala Tools

B Recursion Refresher

C Quick Preview of Java (Video Playlist)

D Advanced Scala